It is obvious that the world of cryptocurrencies is still in the early stages of development and implementation. Crypto Trend’s role is to provide objective information so that investors can better weigh the dangers and future potential of this highly volatile industry, which we have called the Wild West. If you are willing to take risks, you can count on serious opportunities to win.
Cryptocurrencies open great prospects for the future. They can revolutionize money by bringing discipline to monetary policy. Unfortunately, the cryptospace has a downside. It suffers from weak standards, dubious operators, outrageous hype and periodic market collapses. Buying real cryptocurrencies can also be a tedious process, and as mentioned below, governments are now trying to figure out how to take some of these steps when they are levying taxes, fees or a method that has yet to be established.
Als het kopen van de daadwerkelijke niet jouw ding is, because we de komende jaren verwachten dat he merendeel van de aanbevelingen in de Crypto Trend Premium-service afkomstig zal zijn van blockchain en andere technologische on zal zijn van blockchain en and technolog. just as the Internet has revolutionized our lives.
Times are changing, technology is evolving. Ten years ago there were no mobile apps or data clouds. Today we have robots that are changing the way people do business, from manufacturing to drones. In China, facial recognition systems can now authorize payments, provide access to facilities, and track the movements of every person in a smart city. Soon we will be passengers of driverless buses and cars.
We will also see cloud-based artificial intelligence services that will make artificial intelligence tools available to a wide variety of businesses. And even “Duel Neural Networks,” a breakthrough in artificial intelligence that allows AI to create images of things it’s never seen, giving AI imagination.
As we enter the next phase of technological advances, there will be serious privacy, security and other issues, but as an investor each of these advances gives you the opportunity to make a huge profit.
Be clear here, while some of the stocks we will recommend in Crypto Trend Premium will be well-known leaders in their field, other stocks will be unknown and unproven technology stocks that are not on the radar of the masses.
Many of these companies you’ve never heard of will be a household name in a few years.
It’s tax time – are you ready for CC madness?
Cryptocurrency investors (CC) need to think a lot about the tax consequences of buying and selling cryptocurrencies. Many governments are still considering how to act – in the form of taxation. They know there’s a lot of money at stake, and they know they’re going bankrupt, so they certainly don’t want to miss it. There does not seem to be an easy answer that all governments can agree on. Should CCs be treated as currency, as commodities, as collateral, as property or a combination thereof?
For example, this is what is happening in the US. In 2014, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) determined that “convertible virtual currency”, such as Bitcoin, will be treated as property. This decision means that purchases using CCs are subject to capital gains (or losses) and investment tax, with all associated reporting requirements. Since there are many retailers who now accept CCs as payment, this means that the IRS requires everyone to do all this when issuing their CC:
write down the number of coins issued
assign the cost base of the coins issued
deduct the cost base of the coins issued from the price actually paid
report the difference to the IRS and calculate the added value or loss, taking into account the date on which the coins were purchased
This is all in your annual tax return and you have to pay the taxes due or claim the capital loss. All this work is generated by the consumer’s choice of “payment method”. Many analysts and commentators call this an unaffordable, crazy, swamp. Can you imagine the nightmare if you bought two cups of coffee every day with Bitcoin as a payment method? You might need an army of accountants.
In the US, there will be other problems, as there are four departments that want to treat CCs in their own special way:
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission considers CCs a commodity
The Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) treats “some” currencies as a security
The Finance Ministry’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) has stated that “certain activities with exchangeable virtual currencies constitute money transfers.”
as shown above, the IRS insists on treating CCs as property