With the recalculation of feedback on eBay.com this week and the announcement of several new policy changes, you can get another glimpse at the future of eBay.

There’s been a lot of talk on blogs and in discussion forums about how different eBay is these days – that they are veering away from the ‘old eBay’ – the original vision that Pierre had when he started the토토사이트.

eBay now feels different, acts differently, works differently, and interacts with it’s community much differently than it did “back in the day”. A lot of people miss the old eBay. It was a different place.

And it is gone. It has been gone for a while. And it’s not coming back.

The change is not occurring now. The change has occurred. It is cemented. It is complete.

The new policies we are seeing are not changes to the ‘old eBay’. They are changes to the new eBay. Not of the eBay of 2001, but the eBay of 2008.

What’s happening on eBay is similar to what happens when an old friend changes. Maybe your friend persues a new career, gets married, has kids, loses weight, decide to move to the country…

Whatever it is – if they’ve changed, and you haven’t – there is a disconnect. The thing you had in common may no longer exist. You feel left behind. Sometimes even betrayed.

It’s at that point that you need to decide if there is anything about that person or in the friendship to keep you there now. Are there qualities about your friend that you still value? That enhance your life? Can you forge a new relationship with your friend as they are today?

If the answer is no, it’s time to sever the relationship.

If the answer is yes, you need to see and interact with your friend as they are today.

The same holds true for the new eBay. eBay has changed. It’s different. The way it generates profits is different from the model of 5 years ago. The ‘people’ it hangs out with are different than those of 5 years ago.

Can you see eBay for what it is today and continue your relationship with it?

That’s the question that every eBay seller needs to ask themselves.

There’s still money to be made on eBay. You need to look at eBay and see how it can work for YOU. How can it serve YOUR business?

eBay is a tool that you should use to grow your e-retailing business. It shouldn’t BE your e-retailing business.

The new eBay is here to stay. And the sooner that you can see eBay for what it REALLY offers here in May 2008 and what it doesn’t offer, the faster you will be able to make eBay work for your business again.

And the faster you will start looking at other marketplaces to fill in the voids in your business that used to be filled by eBay.

eBay is a vehicle to use to achieve your business goals, your dreams, your income. It’s not the destination.

Categories: home


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